About this Website
The purpose of www.santafeaa.org is to carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous by providing a resource whereby information about Alcoholics Anonymous and A.A. in the geographic area around Santa Fe, New Mexico may be easily found on the internet, and for locating A.A. meetings and current events in the Santa Fe area.
Our website provides contact and website information for other central offices and service groups, and links to sites which are about A.A. and for A.A. members, in accordance with the AA Internet Guidelines. Our website does not list or link to sponsored websites.
In accordance with Tradition 11 of the 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous, individuals are not personally identified on www.santafeaa.org nor does the website link with any site which personally identifies members of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Based on the experience of A.A. members worldwide, the Central Office of Santa Fe takes heed the Internet Guidelines as published by the New York General Service Office.
This website was created by volunteers using WordPress and is based on the Blocksy Theme. Santafeaa.org first went “live” on 4 August 2000 with a simple interface – a single home page and a sub-page for each day of the week where meetings were listed.
Site Design and improvements were made by Toolbox Web Design based in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
We owe a debt of gratitude to those servant-volunteers who contributed to the development of this website before us:
Phyllis, Patrick Toal, Lee, John R, Steve B, and all those whose names were not recorded.
Thank you!
Copyrights and Fair Use: No part of www.santafeaa.org may be copied or reproduced without the express written permission of the Central Office of Santa Fe, Inc. When A.A. World Services, Inc. and A.A. Grapevine, Inc. literature is presented on www.santafeaa.org the appropriate credit lines requested by A.A. World Services, Inc. and A.A. Grapevine are used.
Contact A.A. World Services and/or A.A. Grapevine if you require permissions for use of copyrighted material.