Posting Information to this Website

Information about how to post meetings and events on this website

Monthly District 2 Meetings

Click here for information about District 2.

You can see meeting information including location/virtual links, agendas and corresponding documents for all past meetings at [Link page].

Santa Fe Central Office Meetings

Santa Fe Central Office has a bi-monthly meeting to discuss all sorts of operational aspects of Alcoholics Anonymous in our area.

All elected committee members attend, but the meeting is open to all AA members.

How to add events to the Calendar

The calendar on our website here is for all of our Santa Fe AA members. If you would like to add something to the calendar, please email us at [] and include Title, Description, Date, Time, and Location/Virtual Information (if applicable).

How to add news to the website

The news on our website here is for all of our Santa Fe AA members. If you would like to add something to the news feed, please email us at and include Title, Description and anything else you want to include like Images, etc