Maria – Step 2 – What it was like for me

Alright, listen up, chico, ’cause the Second step, it’s like finding a glimmer of hope in the darkness, you know? It’s about coming to believe in a higher power, in something bigger than yourself, something that can help you find your way out of the mess you’re in.

For me, it was like reaching out a hand in the darkness and feeling something grab hold, something that said, ‘Hey, you’re not alone, I’ve got your back.’ Growing up, I heard stories from my abuelita about los santos and las ánimas, and even though I didn’t fully understand it at the time, those stories planted a seed of belief in me.

But it wasn’t until I hit rock bottom that I truly understood what it meant to believe in something greater than myself. It was like a lifeline, a ray of hope in the darkness, something to hold onto when everything else seemed lost.

And let me tell you, chico, once I started to believe, once I opened myself up to the possibility of something greater, it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders. It was like finding my way out of a maze, like finally seeing the path ahead of me.

So yeah, that’s how I worked my Second step, chico, by coming to believe in a higher power, in something bigger than myself. And let me tell you, it was the first step toward finding my way out of the darkness and into the light.

Maria is a resilient young mother living in Santa Fe, Northern New Mexico, who has faced numerous challenges in her life. Despite dropping out of high school after becoming pregnant, she is determined to create a better future for herself and her two children.

Working as a housekeeper at a local hotel, Maria has struggled with drug addiction but has recently found strength in her journey to sobriety, motivated by a desire to provide a safe and loving environment for her family. With her fiery spirit, fierce love for her children, and unwavering determination, Maria embodies the resilience and strength of the Northern New Mexico community as she navigates the ups and downs of life with courage and grace.