

A message from Central Office

To: Alcoholics in and around Santa Fe, NMFrom: Your AA Central OfficeRe: 2023 and beyond The Aspens are beginning to change, and our thoughts are turning to Farolitos and Biscochitos. As we will all be celebrating the Holidays before we…

Seventh Tradition Calculator

A couple of considerations should be in place for the contribution process. The first is setting your Prudent Reserve for your group. Prudent Reserve from the AA literature: “Most groups try to hold a certain amount of money in reserve. There…

AA GSO Survey on Participation of Online Groups

In 2023, the Conference Committee on Policy/Admissions put forward the following committeeconsideration: “The committee reviewed the “Report of the GSB Ad Hoc Committee on Participation of OnlineGroups in the U.S./Canada Service Structure” and expressed appreciation for the report,particularly the results…


September 23 @ 10:30 am – 2:30 pm Rodeo de Santa Fe 3237 Rodeo RoadSanta Fe, New Mexico This event is sponsored by area businesses and organizations to help bring awareness to the multitude of recovery resources available in our region. It is…

Founders Day Picnic

people under red umbrellas

Please Join District 2 as we celebrate the 88th Edition of Founder’s Day in Hyde Memorial Park.Food, Frolic, Fun and a great Meeting Happy 88th! Attached is a Flier for the Event.

Pass it On is now a Step Study

PASS IT ON, an AA Step Study at Pete’s Place, Santa Fe’s Interfaith Shelter, located:2801 Cerrillos Roadon Friday mornings at 8 a.m. Service Positions Available! Please review the attached flier.