Carlos – Sustaining Unity and Accountability: Embracing the Tenth Tradition of Alcoholics Anonymous

Hey there, it’s Carlos, your trusted companion on the journey to sobriety and self-discovery. Today, let’s delve into the fabric of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and explore the profound significance of the Tenth Tradition—a guiding principle that underscores the importance of unity and personal accountability within our fellowship.

The Tenth Tradition reads: “Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the AA name ought never be drawn into public controversy.” Now, you might be wondering what this means for us as members of AA, so let’s unpack it together.

At its core, the Tenth Tradition serves as a gentle reminder that our primary focus in AA is on our own recovery and spiritual growth. It’s about recognizing that while we may have opinions on various external issues, our primary purpose within the fellowship is to support each other in staying sober and living fulfilling lives.

For me, the Tenth Tradition is a powerful lesson in humility and self-awareness. It’s about acknowledging that we are all works in progress, and that our primary responsibility is to focus on our own recovery journey. By refraining from engaging in public controversy or drawing the AA name into external debates, we preserve the unity and integrity of our fellowship.

But here’s the beauty of the Tenth Tradition: it’s not about silence or indifference—it’s about personal accountability. By focusing on our own sobriety and spiritual growth, we lead by example and inspire others to do the same. It’s through our actions, not our words, that we make the greatest impact on those around us.

So, next time you find yourself reflecting on the Tenth Tradition, remember the importance of unity and personal accountability. Let’s continue to support each other in our shared journey to sobriety, and uphold the principles of AA with grace and integrity. Together, we can make a difference.