

Maria – Step 8 – What it was like for me

So, el Eighth step, it’s like standing en el medio de un campo de flores, recognizing the people que he lastimado, las heridas que he causado, y estando dispuesta a hacer las paces. For me, it was like caminar por…

Plain Language Big Book – Available 11/1/2024

The Plain Language Big Book is a tool to help readers understand the book Alcoholics Anonymous, which was first published in 1939. This new book is designed so that the A.A. Twelve Step program of recovery from alcoholism may be…

AA International Convention July 3-6 Vancouver, BC

Dear A.A. Friends, This is an exciting time in the planning of our 2025 International Convention. The Registration and Housing Processes will open on September 10, 2024, at Noon, Eastern Time. This memo includes information on the two ways to…