

Maria – Step 1 – What it was like for me

Okay, listen up, chico, ’cause the First step, it’s like the key that unlocks the door to recovery, ¿entiendes? It’s about admitting that you’re powerless over your addiction, that you can’t control it, no matter how hard you try. And…

AA Meetings With Childcare

Three Meetings in Santa Fe offer childcare. An AA Group – Mondays at 7:00 PMJoin the Tribe – Saturdays at 6:00 PMSunday 9AM – Sundays at 9:00 AM at the Friendship Club Come Join us!

Who is Maria?

¡Hola, qué tal! Yes, soy yo, Maria. Dos kids, viviendo en Airport Road en Santa Fe. La vida no ha sido fácil, let me tell you. Me embaracé en high school, y boom, dropped out just like that. Pero, you…

Quien es Carlos?

Meet Carlos, a beacon of hope for those navigating the turbulent waters of addiction. With his rugged charm and a twinkle in his eye, Carlos carries the weight of his past struggles with grace, humility, and a healthy dose of…

Letter from GSO to all Groups

General Service OfficeP.O. Box 459Grand Central StationNew York, NY 10163 212 870 3003 January 25, 2024 To: GSB Trustees, AAWS Board, AA Grapevine Board, Trustees Emeriti, Appointed Committee Members, Current Delegates, Past Delegates, Past Trustees, All Conference Members, IGCOs: U.S.…

New Year’s Eve Alcathon

The Friendship Club will be running an Alcathon on New Year’s Eve. What is An Alcathon? Sometimes spelled Alkathon, an Alcathon is a marathon session of back-to-back AA meetings, typically every hour. Meetings at 8:00 PM; 9:00 PM; 10:00 PM;…

Are you a software/web developer person?

Our website uses an open-source WordPress Plugin for meeting listings that was created by Code For Recovery. Here is a flyer seeking contributors to the Code for Recovery Project. We received an e-mail from Code for Recovery highlighting this issue:…