Category Writings

Maria – Step 11 – What it was like for me

Alright, chico, let me tell you about the Eleventh step, porque this one, it’s like my lifeline, you know? So, it’s all about staying connected with that higher power, with whatever you believe in, through prayer and meditation. It’s like…

Maria – Step 10 – What it was like for me

Okay, so let me break it down for you, chico. The Tenth step, it’s like taking a daily inventory of your actions, ¿entiendes? It’s about staying honest with yourself and admitting when you mess up, porque we’re all human, you…

Maria – Step 8 – What it was like for me

So, el Eighth step, it’s like standing en el medio de un campo de flores, recognizing the people que he lastimado, las heridas que he causado, y estando dispuesta a hacer las paces. For me, it was like caminar por…